AccountEdge University

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AccountEdge University

Switch from Sage

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Convert Account Data

Convert Account Data

Export Accounts From Sage

Before importing your account information into AccountEdge, you must gather your existing data from your Sage file.

  1. Open your Sage file, click on Lists from the top menu bar, and then select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Select the Settings button to access the available fields.
  3. Move the fields you want to export from Sage to the ‘Select Columns’ area and select Ok.
  4. Select Send To > Excel. Select Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook and select Ok. Excel will launch automatically and display your account information.

NOTE: We suggest you import your Account Number, Account Name, and Opening Balance into AccountEdge. The Account Number field is required to import a new account.

Take a look at how AccountEdge formats the Account Number by account type:

Account Number Account Type
1-XXXX Asset
2-XXXX Liability
3-XXXX Equity
4-XXXX Income
5-XXXX Cost of Goods
6-XXXX Expense
8-XXXX Other Income
9-XXXX Other Expense

For more information, view the Get Started with AccountEdge guide.

Look at your list of Account Numbers and ensure they follow the AccountEdge format for Account Numbers and Account Type. All account numbers must be unique; you can not have duplicate account numbers.

  1. Your account numbers will most likely have seven digits in the following format: ‘XXXXX-XX’. You must change your account number to only have five digits using only numbers.
    • For accounts that end in ‘XXXXX-00’, you can remove the ‘-00’ to make the account number compatible with AccountEdge.
    • For accounts that end in a specific number and not zeros, like ‘XXXXX-01’, you can edit your account number to be ‘XXX01’.
  2. Save the Excel file in a Tab-Delimited Text format.

Import Account Data into AccountEdge

Now that your accounts are formatted, they can be imported into AccountEdge.

  1. Open your new AccountEdge Company File, click on File from the top menu bar, and select Import Data > Accounts > Account Information.
  2. Select the following:
    • Import File Format: Tab-delimited
    • First Record is: Header Record
    • Duplicate Records: Reject Them
  3. The Open File window appears. Select the tab-delimited file you saved in step 6 from the Export From Sage section. Select Open.
  4. Next, you will match your old Sage fields to your new AccountEdge fields. Select the field on the left and then select the field you want to match it to on the right. Continue this process until all desired fields have been matched appropriately. Select Import.

NOTE: If you rename your account header fields to match the ones exported from the AccountEdge Sample Company File, you can select Automatch to match import fields automatically to the fields listed in the Fields column.

  1. After completing your import, a pop-up window will show you how many records were imported without errors, skipped, or imported with warnings.

If it says all your records imported without errors, you have completed importing your Sage accounts into your AccountEdge company file. Look at your new Accounts List in AccountEdge and ensure all the information is correct. Continue to the next section and import your customer information.

If the window shows that some records were skipped or were imported with warnings, continue to the Import Log section.

Account Import Log

The AccountEdge Import Log will list any errors that occurred during the import process. The errors and warnings during the import process are listed at the bottom of the log. Those error codes will correspond to the number in front of each record.

Open the AccountEdge Import Log (found in the same folder that contains your AccountEdge Company File). Open Import Log.txt with a spreadsheet program for easier viewing.

Open the tab-delimited or comma-separated text file you saved to import your data and make the corrections based on the error messages. Then, re-import the file.

NOTE: Select Duplicate Records > Update Existing Record when re-importing the file.

Continue that process until all records have been imported successfully.

Before You Can Begin Convert Contact Data