AccountEdge University

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AccountEdge University

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support_knowledge_base Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac Shortcuts

To use a keyboard shortcut, hold down one or more modifier keys while pressing the last key of the shortcut.

For more information on Mac Keyboard Shortcuts, click here.

Menu Command Mac
File New File Command+Shift+N
  Open File Command+O
  New Record or Transaction Command+N
  Close Window Command+W
  Print Command+P
Edit Undo Command+Z
  Cut Command+X
  Copy Command+C
  Paste Command+V
  Select All Command+A
  Select from List Command+L
  Recap Transaction Command+R
Command Centers (All) To Do List Command+T
  Find Transactions Command+Y
Command Centers > Accounts Command Center Command+1
  Record Journal Entry Command+G
Command Centers > Banking Bank Register Command+K
  Command Center Command+2
  Spend Money Command+H
  Receive Money Command+D
Command Centers > Sales Command Center Command+3
  Enter Invoices Command+J
  Receive Payments Command+B
Command Centers > Time Billing Command Center Command+4
Command Centers > Purchases Command Center Command+5
  Enter Purchases Command+E
  Pay Bills Command+M
Command Centers > Payroll Command Center Command+6
Command Centers > Inventory Command Center Command+7
Command Centers > Card File Command Center Command+8
  Cards List Command+F
Reports Index to Reports Command+I

Windows Shortcuts

To use a keyboard shortcut, hold down one or more modifier keys while pressing the last key of the shortcut.

For more information on Windows Keyboard Shortcuts, click here.

Menu Command Windows
File New File CTRL+N
  Open File CTRL+O
  Close Window Esc+W
  Print CTRL+P
  Select All CTRL+A
  Select from List CTRL+L
  Recap Transaction CTRL+R
Command Centers (All) To Do List CTRL+T
  Find Transactions CTRL+Y
Command Centers > Accounts Command Center CTRL+1
  Record Journal Entry CTRL+G
Command Centers > Banking Bank Register CTRL+K
  Command Center CTRL+2
  Spend Money CTRL+H
  Receive Money CTRL+D
Command Centers > Sales Command Center CTRL+3
  Enter Invoices CTRL+J
  Receive Payments CTRL+B
Command Centers > Time Billing Command Center CTRL+4
Command Centers > Purchases Command Center CTRL+5
  Enter Purchases CTRL+E
  Pay Bills CTRL+M
Command Centers > Payroll Command Center CTRL+6
Command Centers > Inventory Command Center CTRL+7
Command Centers > Card File Command Center CTRL+8
  Cards List CTRL+F
Reports Index to Reports CTRL+I
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