AccountEdge University

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AccountEdge University

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Quick Tour

Quick Tour

Command Center

There are eight command centers in AccountEdge. Each command center contains a row of icons in the top section of the window. These icons allow you to switch between different feature sets in AccountEdge.

The selected icon represents the current command center, and the flowchart displayed below the icons illustrates the major tasks for that selection. For example: when the Accounts icon is selected, tasks such as Transfer Money and Record Journal Entry will be displayed.

Company File Location

You can locate your AccountEdge Company File at any time by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the Command Center.

Bottom Menu

There are six menus at the bottom of each command center window.

To Do List

The To Do List will show you your reminders, upcoming bills, recurring transactions, items that need to be re-stocked, and more.

  • A/R (Accounts Receivable) – Review your outstanding receivables or open sales invoices.
  • A/P (Accounts Payable) – Review your outstanding payables or open purchases invoices.
  • Transactions – View recurring checks, deposits, and general journal entries.
  • Sales – List of any recurring sales.
  • Purchases – List of any recurring purchases.
  • Discounts – List of vendor bills that have expiring discounts.
  • Orders – Review your current sales and purchase orders.
  • Stock – List of items that you need to order to build.
  • Reminders – Review your list of due today and overdue reminders.
  • Retainers – View your retainers, escrows, and trusts that need to be replenished.

Find Transactions

View summary information about your accounts, sales, purchases, cards, items, payroll, and jobs.


View a list of the available reports. You can use over 100 built-in reports to monitor your business. If the built-in reports do not entirely meet your needs, you can design custom reports with the information you need then save them to re-use later.


Analyze some key aspects of your business. The Analysis window enables you to view detailed information and graphs on your financial activity.

  • Balance Sheet – view detailed information about your asset, liability and equity accounts. Known collectively as your balance sheet accounts.
  • Profit & Loss Window – view detailed information about your income, cost of sales, expense, other income and other expense accounts. Known collectively as your profit and loss accounts.
  • Jobs – view information about your progress on a particular job, broken down by account.
  • Cash Flow – estimate your short-term cash needs for a specified period, by using your Company File data to create a forecast for a specified bank or credit card account.
  • Sales – view detailed information and graphs on your sales activity. You can analyze your sales by item, customer and salesperson.
  • Receivables – view detailed information about the customers who owe you money and how long they’ve owed it. The information in this window is based upon the selections you made in the Aging Periods fields when setting up your new Company File.
  • Payables – view detailed information about the vendors you owe money to and how long you’ve owed it to them. The information in this window is based upon the selections you made in the Aging Periods fields when setting up your new Company File.
  • Payroll – view a summary of an employee’s wage for a specified period, including deduction and tax information, as well as employer expenses information.
  • Inventory – review the current status of your items and see item quantities on hand, on order and committed to customers.


AccountEdge integrates with several services that sync transactions directly into your Company File on your desktop. This is where you can sync your AccountEdge Company File with the add-on services that you use.


AccountEdge Connect is our web collaboration tool that enables employees or subcontractors to enter activities and sales invoices and sync them into Accountedge from any web enabled device. Learn more about AccountEdge Connect.


View a menu of all lists available. Your Company File consists of different types of records – customers, jobs, items, and so on. Records of the same type are grouped into lists automatically.

Additional Features

Action Menu

The Action menu is a shortcut for accessing card record tasks. The menu is located in the Cards List window and each Card Information window.

When you click the Action Menu icon, a list of actions and tasks associated with the card type is displayed. For example: if you select your Cards List, the Action Menu contains links to Enter Sales, Create New Log Entry, and Combine Cards.

Calendar – Date Entry

The calendar simplifies date entry. For example: suppose you’re entering a sale and have promised the goods to the customer on the last Friday of the month. Rather than figure out the date and enter it manually, display the calendar in a date field and click the date.

To display the calendar, click in a date field, then either hit the = (Equal) key or Spacebar on your keyboard to display the calendar.


A calculator is available to simplify calculating and entering numeric data, including dollar amounts, item quantities, and units. The calculator is available from every window where you can enter numeric data.

Pressing = (Equals) or the Spacebar when the cursor is in a numeric data field displays the calculator. In the calculator, enter your calculation and then press Enter or Return. The result appears in the numeric data field.

To close the calculator without entering numeric data, press ESC.

Setting up Accounts Keyboard Shortcuts